Getting Started with Tiling WM [Part 2] - Rofi

Getting Started with Tiling WM [Part 2] - Rofi

Apr 19, 2021
#tiling-wm #linux #tech #rofi
In the part1, I’ve used rofi instead of dmenu. This part will show you how to start with rofi.

1. Introduction #

  • Rofi is a window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement.
  • Features:
    • Fully configurable keyboard navigation.
    • Type to filer.
    • Built-in modes:
      • Window switcher mode.
      • Application laucher.
      • Desktop file application launcher.
      • SSH laucher mode.
    • History-based ordering.

2. Getting started #

  • Installing rofi is quite easy.
sudo apt install rofi -y
  • Run it for the first time.
rofi -lines 12 -padding 18 -width 60 -location 0 -show drun -sidebar-mode -columns 3 -font 'DejaVu Sans 8'
       -show mode

       Open  rofi in a certain mode. Available modes are window, run, drun, ssh, combi. The
       special argument keys can be used to open a searchable list of supported  key  bind‐
       ings (see KEY BINDINGS)

       To show the run-dialog:

           rofi -show run


       Maximum number of lines to show before scrolling.

           rofi -lines 25

       Default: 15


       Specify  where  the window should be located. The numbers map to the following loca‐
       tions on screen:

             1 2 3
             8 0 4
             7 6 5

       Default: 0


       Define the inner margin of the window.

       Default: 5


       Open in sidebar-mode. In this mode a list of all enabled modes is shown at the  bot‐
       tom. (See -modi option) To show sidebar, use:

           rofi -show run -sidebar-mode -lines 0
  • Press hot key (defined in i3 configuration file) <Window>+d to start rofi. Use <Shift>+<left/right> to switch between mode.
  • More details you can found in rofi github.

3. Tweaking #

  • The default setup looks quite boring. Let’s tweak a bit!
  • There are currently three methods of setting configuration options:
    • Local configuration. Normally, depending on XDG, in ~/.config/rofi/config. This uses the Xresources format.
    • Xresources: A method of storing key values in the Xserver. See here for more information.
    • Command line options: Arguments are passed to Rofi.
  • We will use configuration file.
mkdir -p ~/.config/rofi/themes
touch ~/.config/rofi/themes/onedark.theme
  • Copy the follow content into ~/.config/rofi/themes/onedark.theme:
configuration {
  show-icons: true;
  font: "DejaVu Sans Mono 10";
  modi: "window,run,drun";

* {
  background: #282c34;
  foreground: #abb2bf;
  background-color: @background;
  selected-normal-foreground: @foreground;
  selected-normal-background: #98c379;
  selected-urgent-background: #e5c07b;
  selected-urgent-foreground: @foreground;
  border: 5;
  lines: 12;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  spacing: 0;

window {
  width: 50%;
  transparency: "real";

mainbox {
  children: [inputbar, listview];

listview {
  columns: 1;

element {
  padding: 12;
  orientation: vertical;
  text-color: @foreground;

element selected {
  background-color: @selected-normal-background;
  text-color: @background;

inputbar {
  background-color: @background;
  children: [prompt, entry];

prompt {
  enabled: true;
  font: "DejaVu Sans Mono 10";
  padding: 12 0 0 12;
  text-color: @selected-urgent-background;

entry {
  padding: 12;
  text-color: @selected-urgent-background;
  • Run it and you can see the magic!
rofi -theme ~/.config/rofi/themes/onedark.theme -show drun
  • Don’t forget to update hotkey in i3 configuration file.
bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -theme ~/.config/rofi/themes/onedark.theme -show drun