Set Animated Gif as Wallpaper

Set Animated Gif as Wallpaper

Jan 14, 2021
#linux #tips #tech

NOTE: Environment Ubuntu 20.04

Dependencies #

sudo apt-get install xorg-dev build-essential libx11-dev x11proto-xext-dev libxrender-dev libxext-dev
git clone
cd xwinwrap
sudo make install
make clean
  • Gifsicle:
sudo apt install gifsicle

The helper script #

A helper script to setup animated .gif in dual monitors.

# Uses xwinwrap to display given animated .gif in dual monitors.
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 image.gif
    exit 1
killall -9 xwinwrap
killall -9 gifview
# Get monitors resolution
SCR1=`xrandr | awk '/primary/ && /connected/ { print $4 }'`
SCR2=`xrandr | awk '!/primary/ && /connected/ { print $3 }'`

xwinwrap -g $SCR1 -ov -ni -s -nf -- gifview -w WID $gif -a &
xwinwrap -g $SCR2 -ov -ni -s -nf -- gifview -w WID $gif -a &

If you want to run xwinwrap by yourself, here is the example:

xwinwrap -g 1920x1080 -ov -ni -s -nf -- gifview -w WID /full/path/to/gif -a