-show mode
Open rofi in a certain mode. Available modes are window, run, drun, ssh, combi. The
special argument keys can be used to open a searchable list of supported key bind‐
ings (see KEY BINDINGS) To show the run-dialog:
rofi -show run
Maximum number of lines to show before scrolling.
rofi -lines 25 Default: 15 -location
Specify where the window should be located. The numbers map to the following loca‐
tions on screen:
123804765 Default: 0 -padding
Define the inner margin of the window.
Default: 5 -sidebar-mode
Open in sidebar-mode. In this mode a list of all enabled modes is shown at the bot‐
tom. (See -modi option) To show sidebar, use:
rofi -show run -sidebar-mode -lines 0
Press hot key (defined in i3 configuration file) <Window>+d to start rofi. Use <Shift>+<left/right> to switch between mode.