Moving from Utterances to Giscus
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I’ve used Utterances for a while. Using Github’s issue feature as a backend for comments is a very elegant solution IM O: no tracking, no ads, simple. But today, I decide to switch to a better alternative - Giscus. Giscus is heavily inspired by Utterances except one thing: instead of using Github issues it uses the fairly new Discussions features to store comments.
Why migrate?
- Post reactions: utterances allows you to add reactions to comments but as an author Iām also interested in the general reception of the post itself. giscus provides this feature.
- Conversation view: utterances will simply render comments as a list in the order they have been created. Giscus groups replies to a comment instead. I mean comment is about discussion, right?
Prepare your site
- Migrate from utterances: convert the existing issues into discussions.
- Follow Giscus, it’s quite simple.
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